About: Kellie Ann and Katja talk about how a lot of people, especially women, dont speak up, dont speak out for fear of being heard and judged.

Together they discuss why Katja encourages speaking:

  • To break the silence. Between people, departments, companies, cultures.
  • Show that the right words at the right time are helping an inclusive culture.
  • Inspire others about the power of words and language.
  • Enable people to share their thoughts. Get them talking about it and love it.
  • Ignite the spark to make them cherish and share their stories.
  • Enable conversations and change mindsets. (And the world. Afterwards.:))

A lot of people, especially women, dont speak up, dont speak out for fear of being heard and judged.  Its time we change that. If you want to talk and work with Katja, you can find her at the following:  The power of words, hearing from Katja on the impact of speaking up is so powerful, lets continue to use our voice to speak it loud and not be afraid!

Listen the podcast on Spotify Or here on Apple podcasts.